The leopard species is spread around the world wider than any other cat, except of course domestic cats. His soft and powerful paws silently step in savannas of Africa, mountains of the Caucasus and forest in Asia either. Deserts, rocks and the woods - he is home everywhere. A leopard is a natural-born hunter. He has always been respected and feared.

Do you remember Kipling's fairy tale "How the Leopard Got His Spots"? "In the days when everybody started fair" there were only two hunters: the Leopard and the Ethiopian. They hunted giraffes, antelopes and zebras together. And it was a smarter one - a human - who had made the well-known spots on the skin of his colleague with his dark fingers. Thanks to these spots the skin turns into a real camouflage. The color reminds the picturesque spots of light that are making their way through dense foliage of the jungle and helps to become almost invisible in dense thickets.
The leopard is in the Red List. It is a rare case for a brave traveler to meet this dangerous but gorgeous predator today. But all the needlework fans can afford a magnificent exotic pleasure - a leopard embroidery.
The leopard appears on many coats of arms. In heraldry this animal is a symbol of bravery, force, activity and agility. Cross stitch kit 1549 Owner of the Jungle will help you to create with your own hands a house patron and defender. You are working on this design, right? Thank you.
The embroidery is made with Anchor stranded cotton threads on a colored 14 ct Aida Zweigart fabric. A magnificent skin, rich colors of tropical flora, lights and shadows are transferred by various stitch types: 3-, 2- and 1-strand cross stitch, 3- and 2-strand half cross stitch and a stitch. The fabric is not stitched up completely. The approximate finished size is 30х40 cm.